Does Homeowners Insurance Cover a New Roof?

roof replacement
October 4, 2022
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Does Homeowners Insurance Cover a New Roof?

Most people wonder if their homeowners insurance covers a new roof. Well, this depends on the cause of roof damage. It is common for most homeowners insurance plans to provide repair and replacement coverage for a residential roof.

Depending on the policy, you may be reimbursed for a portion of the roof repair cost or have your roof replaced if it is beyond repair. While your insurance will cover some roof damage, it will not cover all of it. Most insurance plans will only pay out if the damage was caused by an environmental factor or an accident that could not have been predicted.

For instance, if a hailstorm or a fallen tree damages your roof, you may be eligible for repair or replacement coverage. However, if the damage to your roof was caused by normal wear and tear or because you neglected it, your insurance policy probably won’t cover it.

Roof replacement isn’t an expenditure most homeowners can bear on their own. So, read on to learn a few things you can expect if you file a claim with your homeowner’s insurance.

A Look at Some Aspects of Coverage

Your insurance company might pay the cost of a new roof for you if the damage to your old one was caused by nature or an unexpected disaster. For example, a collapsed roof, a storm tearing off asphalt shingles, or a fire. Let’s pretend you’ve had squirrel damage. If your insurance company deems this a rodent issue, they may refuse to pay it. Or is there water coming in through the ceiling? When water damage occurs due to a leak, your insurance company may argue that a lack of roofing maintenance caused it. So, your homeowner’s insurance may or may not cover the cost of repairing or replacing your roof, depending on the situation’s specifics. The insurance policy you sign for determines what is covered or not.

The majority of insurance plans are written in the form of “perils” or potential sources of harm. To protect your house against just those hazards stated in your insurance plan, you may get a “named-peril” coverage. Your responsibility as a homeowner is to demonstrate that an insured risk caused the damage to your roof in order for your policy to take effect. On the other hand, you might have an “open danger” policy in place. There are occasional exceptions to the rule, but this policy generally provides a complete level of protection. So, check your homeowner’s insurance to determine what risks are covered.

How to Get Paid for a New Roof

Claim submission is the first step in getting your insurance carrier to foot the bill for a new roof. As a start, the roof may be inspected by an adjuster from the insurance company, who will analyze the claim. However, before the adjuster arrives, ensure you’ve collected all relevant paperwork, such as a copy of your homeowner’s insurance policy. Take photographs and record the date of the damage. A roofing company may check your roof for you if you can’t get up there yourself and take pictures of the damage. Don’t forget to provide repair receipts if you’ve had work done before. The procedure of making claims will need to submit all of this information.

After submitting your insurance claim, select a reputable roofing company to do a roof inspection. If there is damage, they can document it for your insurance provider. It is crucial to employ a roofing contractor from outside your insurance company to offer yourself the greatest opportunity of having your claim granted, even if the insurance provider assigns out its inspector. Although, keep in mind that even if your claim is allowed, you will still be responsible for paying the insurance deductible.

Your Trusted Cuyahoga County Roofing Company

Contact Phoenix Roofing and Solar to finalize your new roof installation if the roofing claim you submitted is accepted. Whether you need a new roof installed or a roof replaced, we can help. We’ve dealt with insurance claims before, and we can assist you in discovering the best roofing for your property. Trust us to get the work done correctly. Call (330)-524-8323 or fill out our online form to get a free roof estimate now!