Solar Roof Benefits

solar roof
October 6, 2022
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Solar Roof Benefits

Upgrades to environmentally friendly and energy-efficient green homes are growing more popular each year. More and more people are interested in green and cool roofs, both designed to help buildings become more environmentally friendly. Solar roof installation is one of the many eco-friendly home improvement projects you may take on, and the year to do it is 2022!

A solar roof installation’s savings potential only grows as more people realize the numerous advantages of solar energy. So, the sooner you install solar panels on your property, the better!

Read on to learn about the benefits of solar roof installation.

Are you searching for a solar roof in Lakewood, OH? Then Phoenix Roofing and Solar is here to help. Give us a call right now at (330)-524-8323.

What is the Benefit of a Solar Roof?

For a better deal on your energy use

The primary benefit of installing solar panels in your house is that you will save money on your utility costs. It’s possible to entirely power your house on bright days with the correct solar array, decreasing your energy usage and saving you money on your utility bills.

If there are days when your household uses less energy than it produces, you may be able to sell the excess energy back to the utility provider in the form of credits. Although you won’t see these savings until your solar array is entirely operational, once it’s installed, you’ll start seeing them immediately!

To make a quick start on your savings.

Energy Star estimates that the average home spends over $2,000 annually on energy costs. Solar panels have the potential to save a lot of money, even if not all of this is power. So, summer is a great time to install your solar panels since the sun is at its peak, and you’ll get the most out of your investment.

Install before the arrival of the summer season

On days when there is more sunshine, solar panels perform better. For the hottest days of the year in the state of Ohio, you may begin your solar roof installation project immediately. Thanks to this, your solar system will perform at its peak in the first year of ownership.

Need A Solar Roof Installation? We can help

As one of Lakewood’s premier roofers, Phoenix Roofing and Solar can do all of the essential inspections and roofing preparations to guarantee that your roof is suitable for solar panel installation.

New solar panels for your house might save you a lot of money. In addition, if you want to take full advantage of the savings that solar power may provide, now is the time to get started! Questions? Use our online form or get in touch with us right now.

We will come out and do a full inspection to ensure that your roof is suitable for solar. If it is suitable for solar, we will build a full proposal. These proposals take in multiple factors like sun hours, the tilt of your roof, the direction of your Roof Facets, North, South, East, West and lastly the average amount of your electrical usage from the last 12 months to build a Solar proposal made for you and your home.