Best Roof Maintenance Tips

July 22, 2022
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Investing in a roof is a costly endeavor that serves a wide variety of practical and aesthetic functions. However, most roofing materials have a lifespan of around 20 years if they are correctly maintained. So, when you have a roof installed on your house, you must do roof maintenance properly to improve the safety of your home.

In this blog, we will go over five different ways to assist you with roof maintenance so that you stop the damage from occurring prematurely and make it last longer.

Always Clean The Roof Regularly

The collection of dirt and grime on your roof may lead to moisture absorption, which can cause the roofing material to become damaged. For example, lack of regular cleaning may cause the shingles and tiles of a roof to deteriorate. In addition to this, it promotes the development of moss, which adds weight to the surface and increases the likelihood that it will collapse.

It is recommended that you have a professional clean your roof at least once a year, or if you notice substantial discoloration, whichever comes first. You will be able to get rid of the debris and avoid further harm by taking this action.

Always Trim The Trees

During a windstorm, trees with branches that dangle over your house might potentially cause harm. They also provide access to your roof for rodents like squirrels that may damage it by chewing on it. So, to maximize the longevity of your roof, prune any tree branches that are closer than 10 feet to your house. Also, animals won’t be able to climb or leap onto your rooftop if you use metal sheets wrapped around the tree trunk.

Schedule A Licensed and Certified Roof Inspection

Most homeowners choose not to have their roofs inspected by a professional to save money on roof maintenance charges. On the other hand, getting these services will enable you to evaluate whether or not there is a problem with your roof. After that, the specialist will be able to assist you in repairing the damage and will also provide recommendations about additional strategies to safeguard the building. In the long run, you will be able to avoid potential negative impacts and save money that would have otherwise been spent on repairs or a new roof.

Eliminating Ice Dams in the Environment

Ice and snow add heavier loads to a roof, and if they remain there for a lengthy period, this weight may occasionally cause the roof to crumble. In addition to this, they bring about shifts in temperature, which may pressure the roofing material and lead to thermal shock.

During the winter months, removing ice from your roof may be accomplished using a long scraper, road salt, and water. If the pieces are large, you should get in touch with a specialist for removal services so that you can save your house from being damaged.

Getting Rid of Mold

The fact that your roof is in the shadows increases the likelihood that it may absorb water during the wetter months and foster mold development. These fungi have the potential to discolor the surface and eat it away, which will result in premature wear and tear. If you want your roof to last as long as possible, you should always look for indicators of mold infestation, such as a musty stench and leaks.

After that, you should speak with an expert to decide the method of mold removal that would be most successful for your roof’s material.

Your Trusted Roof Maintenance Expert

If you get the roof maintenance it needs, it will protect your property and last longer. We at Phoenix Roofing and Solar provide trustworthy services for repairing roofs in Lakewood, OH. We also do inspections to assist you in determining the nature of any damage that may exist and determining how best to address it. Get in touch with us right away if you need services performed by roofing maintenance experts.